Mike Slobot is currently exhibiting as part of a three-artist show titled: "Three Guys Art" @
Fast Frame (Wilmington, NC) - in which he showcases a dozen
slobots - including these brand new "Philosophers" (shown left). Made from found objects - each stands 20 inches tall and form a Triptych, and their story goes like this:
“Three Philosophers standing in a room, waxing philosophical on ethics, aesthetics, and various other thought provoking topics. These three philosophers love to discuss the ins and outs of the most complex and innane subjects equally. While lacking vocal instruments, they still manage to share their ideas both grand and verbose, by communicating telepathically with each other and everyone else as well. If you find yourself suddenly full of more thoughts than you can keep track of, there is probably a slobot Philosopher in the room.”
"Three Guys Art" exhibits thru July 11th, 2009. Meanwhile, you can partaketh of more Philosophers-pics via the
Slobot-blog :)