Seen at TOYSREVIL@OZZO: Toys Nite (September 9th)


As laughter filled the air at China Square Central one fine Wednesday night September 9th - a modest gathering of fellow toy-collectors (and new found friends) talked and traded toys (well, sorta :p) at the TOYSREVIL@OZZO: Toys Nite! As a first-time event, for sure it would have been even more crowded if not for the missing Dunnys ~ but hell, the show must go on! ~ And went on it did and our sincere thanks to all who had come and supported us! CLICK THRU for some snaps, and until the next Toys Nite, Happy Toy Hunting, folks!


A sweet spread indeed! (And I coulda sworn it was Green Tea lined along the boxes instead hhhmmm) ~ Kudos to Mike of OZZO Collection for the yumz! Everything sorta of started silently - and I forgot didn't have a chance to do a "welcome speech"! (For which I'd wanted to apologize for the "missing-Dunnys" - even though tis totally out of my hands and control - and to thank the folks for turning up and supporting us!) But things rolled onwards naturally when folks started snacking and going thru the toys!


A "spread" of a different kind - toys! ~ In actual fact, a subtle price discount was in effect (which was not mentioned on the TRE blog) - in response to the "missing Dunnys" - gotta give folks something for turning up to support the event, innit? So what if it's at a loss - tis the very least I can do, that's within my control anyways (--.--")

FYI: This perhaps will be the last time I will be hawking making available my toy-goodies in public like this. No more direct sales on the local front from myself personally (Although do stay tuned for details of collection point/s). TRE will now be focusing on (Overseas) online availability instead :)

And if you saw up in the corner, a "soft" recruitment was in effect for the TOYSREVIL ARMY. Further details on that soon-ish (which means "might take sometime to sort out") *cough*.

Wanton Doodle in da house! ~ with doodle-tees and artist/doodler Mas Shafreen in attendance :)

Personally, the best part/s of the event, was to be able to meet new folks and fellow collectors (especially folks who read the TRE-blog - thanks for coming you cool folks y'all! LOL) - and of course with a near-empty mall after operational hours, all sorts of nonsense comes out of each other's mouths (and that's without the alcohol yakking lol). Here are some "highlights":


Chris fondled and pointed at my toys a whole lot more than any grown man should (of coz I exaggerate :p) - and he has the dubious honor of being the first dude to say (out loud): "Eh! Whisper in your ear, like very "gay" leh!" ~ Why? Because I'd mentioned earlier that folks who whispered in my ear: "Toys R Evil. I Like Toys" ~ will get a freebie. (FYI: Toys courtesy of Crazy Label and Play Imaginative)

As per my earlier tweet: TRE-Whisper-in-ear for-Free-Toy Stunt = Epic FAIL.


So when the beer "magically" appeared (courtesy of "Warlock" Carl) - you know this party's going somewhere, probably down the steep slope, innit? But yes, in reality we were nursing Green Tea ... while I was fiddling with my flocked CUTE Roen BE@RBRICK (Series 10) from Qisheng (traded it for a YOKA :p). Yes, there were actual trades and freebies.

Qisheng brought along a selection of BE@RBRICKS ready for trade (from different series), and ended up giving most of them away (which is the surest way to spread the "poison", methinks! Well done!). If ever we work an event like this, do feel free to hook up your trade-list via my shoutbox (but NOT your retail-ass-selling list, yo!).


If you had noticed from the above image ~ the food had by the end of the night ~ moved to the main "Talkcock-Table" (a staple I will attempt to enforce at every other event TRE is involved in LOL). And of course when the ladies appeared ~ everyone was on their best behaviour, eh boys? muahahaha

Tis around then when the "7th-Month Toy-Auction" started ... or some derivation of ... *cough* ~ hope everyone had a good, fun time tho! Toys, Food and Friends ~ that's what it's all about anyways ~ everything else is flash+bang-frills, IMHO :p

Kudos to Mike and Carl for trying to sort out the Dunny-issue, and for hosting this event @ OZZO Collection. Til the next Toys Nite, folks!

Below pics were swiped from PHU!'s daily photoblog ~ at the very least, he blew softly into my ear! (re: "Whisper-In-Ear for-Free-Toys" ~ and nothing kinky like what you folks are thinking!) LOL

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