The Littles Vol 2 by Creamous
"This quirky trio of anti-heroes, will electrify any room they saunder into. The Littles are the cream of the crop; the Creamous crop, that is. Each is individually crafted, hanmade, and fashioned by hand, with key attention to detail."

Alan Leong of Funkbuilders produces the second series of Creamous' THE LITTLES with a total of 3 pcs each colorway. Standing 9cm tall, they are currently available for pre-order via for US$85 (for Red and Green Little) and US$95 (fopr Blue Little) each ~ excluding worldwide handling/shipping fees of US$15. Tentative ship-out date is March 30th, 2010.

[CLICK THRU for a closer-look at the trio / CLICK for Littles Vol:1 on TRE]

Hobbies: Photography & drawing
Fave saying: "Have a nice smile"
WHO: He fills his pack with all kinds of photogrpahy film, the weird part is none of the film fits into his camera. While he thinks he is best buds with Green Little, that Green terror is really annoyed by him.

Hobbies: Recycling & photography
Face saying: "Everything can be recycled"
WHO: This oddly naive optimist hates to see anything go to waste. Bravely stupid, he fills his pack with any and everything he finds.

What's in his bag: Snake?!
Hobbies: Snake Photography
WHO: He proudly claims himself "Jack The Snake" but have never touched one before.
Alan Leong of Funkbuilders produces the second series of Creamous' THE LITTLES with a total of 3 pcs each colorway. Standing 9cm tall, they are currently available for pre-order via for US$85 (for Red and Green Little) and US$95 (fopr Blue Little) each ~ excluding worldwide handling/shipping fees of US$15. Tentative ship-out date is March 30th, 2010.
[CLICK THRU for a closer-look at the trio / CLICK for Littles Vol:1 on TRE]
Hobbies: Photography & drawing
Fave saying: "Have a nice smile"
WHO: He fills his pack with all kinds of photogrpahy film, the weird part is none of the film fits into his camera. While he thinks he is best buds with Green Little, that Green terror is really annoyed by him.
Hobbies: Recycling & photography
Face saying: "Everything can be recycled"
WHO: This oddly naive optimist hates to see anything go to waste. Bravely stupid, he fills his pack with any and everything he finds.
What's in his bag: Snake?!
Hobbies: Snake Photography
WHO: He proudly claims himself "Jack The Snake" but have never touched one before.