I would advise you folks against
CLICKING THRU to peep the full-image of the BADBOT BEIJING EDITION as revealed on the ThreeA Toys-
blog, as it would do any of us who are NOT attending the
3A Beijing Gathering,
any good. All it would end up doing is making us desire and long for something that would only be available exclusively at the event ...
Aaahhhh what the heck, CLICKETH, and shed thy wanton tears along with me, for what we will miss! ... *man-sniffle*
FYI: This is a
2-Eyed Badbot as opposed to the
single-eyed Badbot that will be made available online via
http://www.bambalandstore.com come May 28th, along with other
Popbot-awesomeness [

[Additional info via efforts of Gimbat on the 3A-forum]