Ninja Of The Month: Ninja Consultant Plush by Shawnimals (Aug 4-drop)
Priced at US$30 per, NINJA CONSULTANT launches Wednesday August 4th at 1pm CDT ~ via [CLICK THRU for more snaps and product info]
"This Ninja lost his arm in a cookie eating, we mean fearsome battle. That doesn’t stop him from earning a living as a consultant. Impressive presentations and pie charts in tow, he’ll show you countless ways to make your ninja processes more efficient with side steps, smoke bombs and synergy."
"My presentation skills are unmatched!"
When you order this $30 product you get...
- A handmade 7" × 7" plush Ninja limited to 100 pcs.
- Signed and numbered fancy hang tag
- Fun accessories – A lost arm nub and an amazing chart / biz card combo!
- A character sticker
- A character button