RAH @ Medicom Toy 15th Anniversary Exhibition
[19 x images in slideshow above / Full-screen viewing]
"RAH" refers to "Real Action Heroes" = the 1/6th-scaled articulated action figure line from Medicom Toy - and for their 15th Anniversary Exhibition, they had their lines out in force! Included in the slideshow selection includes Ultramen and Kamen Riders - aka "Customed Superheroes", are featured in the slideshow above. Am truly liking the aspect of Medicom that supports the pop culture of their own character-creations, that has influenced many a minds from childhood to adulthood, IMHO. They are a virtual goldmine of creations to be tapped and manifested unto "toy" and action figures, as well, aren't they?
Likewise, their support for Japanese created Characters from Movies and Manga, is truly inspirational, and no doubt appreciative of fans of the genre, Bar None! Check out manga-characters like JoJo's Bizzare Adventures and Crows Worst represented in the slideshow below.
[9 x images in slideshow above / Full-screen viewing]
[Original-unbrightened-pics é ‘ç«¥çŽ©å…· NAUGHTY GUY via J.ME]