Codename: Babushka from Flatties
Codename Babushka is designed for the ulitmate blindbox experience and collectors in mind. Russian Dolls have been sent to all the artists below, each artist has a nest of 5 russian dolls starting at 5.5inches and shrinking down to 1.5inches. Priced at £140 per - you can score them here there's even a 'payment plan').
They have been commissioned by Flatties to create 5 artworks which will fit back inside each other. Once completed and collected up, they will then be mixed up and put into blindboxes. Effectively you will receive a blindbox in a blindbox in a blindbox in a blindbox in a blindbox in a blindbox! Out of those numerous blindboxes you will receive art work from 5 different artists! Go it? Good!
Now here are the artists involved: A Little Stranger (above-bottom-left) / alto / Creature Kebab / Fadeworks / Ian Stevenson / Matt JOnes (shown below) / Mr Mead / Phil Corbett / Scott Rayfield / Sichi / Sneaky Raccoon / RunDMB (above top-left) / TipToe Collective / TMH / Triclops Studio (shown above-right).