YEY by Axel Ascuy Kirsinger
Fromm Chile comes a designer toy form named "YEY" - designed and manufactured by Axel Ascuy Kirsinger. Made of resin epoxy, the figurine measures 3.5 inches tall x 3.5 inches wide, and weighs 145 grams. This limited edition figurine is priced extremely reasonably at US$16 per (+shipping with packaging). Currently the only way to order them is by emailing (tell'em TOYSREVIL sent you!) and subsequently when the purchase website goes 'live', folks can then go crazy with it.
"…its based on a typical Chilen folkcraft, its an native wood figure who shows his penis." ~mentions Axel.
A toy with an exposed 'dong'? I can get with that LOL ~ do check out more snaps via or it's Facebook!