Art Jammers-Sketches for LOTR x Steampunk/Mecha + Darkstalkers vs Pokemon by TOYSREVIL
I haven't been featuring Art Jammers-sketches for a while now - being totally absorbed by the Silent Auction and preparations for AFA in November - but here are a few sketches to share - with the above "Sir Gimli" and "Orc" done for the theme: "LOTR x Steampunk/Mecha", and the below a quick one for the theme: "Darkstalkers vs Pokemon" (not my finest, I';m afraid). Check out the other superb illustrations via the Art Jammers Facebook-group album - and have a slideshowed look (via full-screen in another browser) at some select images for LOTRxSteampunk/Mecha and Darkstalkers-vs-Pokemon.