A murder of Skulloctipy from Plaseebo @ New York Comic Con 2011
"I will have a "murder of Skulloctipy" with me at New York Comic Con, about 10 of them. Each one a unique hand paint and offered at the show price of US$75 each. All have color-changing LED units to light up their brain inserts, glass or plastic eyes and are signed." ~teases Bob Conge of PlaseeboLook for him "kruzen the floor" on Thursday and Friday, or at the Tenacious Toys Booth #876 on Saturday at 3 PM doing a group signing with Mike "NEMO" Mendez and Rob "OsirisOrion" Ingellis.
FYI: *The PINK one is a *"Bossoloctopus Partyphant" with a brain full of fun.