Custom-Feature: R5-A3 (3A Armstrong/1977 MPC R2-D2 Mash-Up) by Jason Chalker
Named: 'R5-3A' = this is Jason Chalker's latest custom in which he had combined a 3A Armstrong with a 1977 MPC R2-D2 (the blaster was made from scratch, bytheway!). Tis currently available for your bidding pleasures here, while below is Jason's product-story to go with the build:
BACKSTORY: 'R5-A3 is a prototype battlefield Recconaissance Droid deployed with the 357th Star Corps. Equipped with a portable ion pulse canon, R5-A3 was very effective against the droid armies of the Separatists. Unfortunately, due to financial cuts, this droid was the only one produced.'