The Return of Clear Vision Mk1 by Cris Rose
Making a return engagement comes Cris Rose's Clear Vision Mk1 - featuring an edition of only 3 figures - each featuring it's own R, G or B detailing "that describes the spectrum he's tweaked for." Priced at US$160 each (plus shipping) - you can contact Cris and request the color you'd prefer (eg. Red, Blue, Green). Check out the shot below for a size comparison to a Sprog.
PRODUCT-PRESS: 'Based on the 5" KidRobot Mini Munny platform, these customs are a hybrid of vinyl and resin, utilising the signature vinyl body with an all-original cast resin head and acrylic dome over the robo-brain!'
"… these are one of the few opportunities to pick up custom vinyl from me as my focus is firmly on original resin these days." ~mentions Cris.