BIGBOY by Clogtwo
Local artist Clogtwo has been involved in painting up numerous sci-fi-fantasy themed mechas and cosmonauts of late, and this post is specifically focused on one particular work (which caught my attention, being a mecha-lover that I am), titled "BIGBOY".
Now, I do not need to hype this up with glossy-meanderings of the awesome depiction for which you could plainly see here with your own eyes, but the message behind this provides it a depth beyond mere aesthetics:
"The BIGBOY, is one of the characters in the Migration series of works. The artwork (is) based on social issues, (and) is about the working environment in Singapore, where living condition goes up, and salaries still remain. Work (is now) double the effort, so I came up with this character called THE BIGBOY in this future world I've created based on present context." ~shares Eman with TOYSREVIL.
Acrylic on 48" x 36" canvas, Clogtwo has been featuring WIPs on his Facebook, starting from a sketch in his "bible" (aka sketchbook / shown top-left) leading to the oxidized and corrosive gorgeousness of the above. (DO NOTE: that the images shown here has been slightly altered in photoshop to balance out the white, so it is not 100% true to the original piece's colors).
And now that this is done with, Eman next moves on the yet another painting on a 40" x 36" canvas, this time an exoskeleton study of the cosmonaut beings (shown below) ā¦ looks like this is going to be a woozy too, no doubt!