Chase Variant Dunnys from Jon-Paul Kaiser & Andrew Bell for Dunny 2012
HOBOY... with the amount of color variants for the upcoming release of DUNNY 2012 - it might well send fanboys into a tizzy of collecting, IUMHO! Witness the above "mystery" Dunny from Jon-Paul Kaiser (last seen as a silhouette but 'mystery' no more!) in FOUR colorways? THat's white hardcore a selection to hunt down, methinks LOL
And below, we get to see a RED variant of Andrew Bell's Mahākāla Dunny (image-right) - looking just as magnificent as the OG-edition (image-left / Ration: 1/40). Check out Bell's Dunny feature on Kidrobot for more sketches (gotta love WIPs, I admit ;p). Look for them when DUNNY 2012 launches June 21st, 2012!
Images via: Trampt + myplasticheart