Magnificent MOTUKO for TOYSREVIL's Top-Ten SDCC Toy-Wish-List
TOYSREVIL-Top-10-SDCC-Wants: #2 MOTUKO Reverse Colorway by L'AMOUR Supreme
It was either this or the black-vinyl BABY HUEY, but this beast won my heart in the end. Am really beginning to enjoy the humanoid-creations of LAMOUR Supreme, with MOTUKO veering toward the mass market anatomy, but with a distant design-sense that awes, instead of disappoints (as most superhero licensed action figure weirdly chooses to do). This is a comicbook character done RIGHT, and kudos also to Shamrock Arrow for producing such an awesome toy, IMHO.
Severely doubt I could get my hands on one, nor afford it, but I can continue to dream my toy-dreams, can't it? :)
(Additional SDCC image via Toybot Studios)