Strike, Overlord! by Frank Kozik
Frank Kozik has been steadfast in posting images of both his older and new poster-work on his Facebook, along with a little writeup or story of them and their origins (which I really think he should out them all in a single album. or replicate it on Tumblr with a single label so folks can read them all, but that's just me) - which frankly gives a more fulfilling insight to them than just "pretty pictures" … but this latest image of a vintage-vibed Kirby-inspired poster image (or it may well BE an actual piece of Kirby-artwork in the first place, and I am absolutely clueless about it), might well be my first Kozik poster, IF he decides to redo it at all!
"Thinking about doing a huge giclee of this, re done all clean and bright...just so I can have one…" ~mentioned Kozik.*RADNESS*