Peek at Upcoming 3A Toys Releases: AP TQs / Retailer Caesars & Frank The Bot Sniper
I could regale you folks about the amount of sealed brown boxes from 3A Toys lying around my house, but you'd only ask them to be sent to you anyways, so let me instead regale you with what else 3A has lined up for sales in time to come (and no, I do not have any product nor drop details) - starting the above-posted TOMORROW QUEENS in 1/18th Action Portable scale, which should send you 3A-collectors into a tizzy!
Shown below are the Action Portable-scaled Retailer Editions of WWRp CAESAR, and as well FRANK The BOT SNIPER, seen in major artic-ish guile suit. I reckon tis time somewhen for 3A to release dioramic backgrounds, for folks to blend their sniper in the environment, no? Heh.