13 x 2013: PJ Constable

WHAT: 13 Creators to Look Out for in 2013. The challenge was simple: Identify 13 x Artists / Creators / Designers who will be taking the year two thousand and thirteen by storm, and quiz them! About half of them were also nominated by their fellow practitioner in this endeavor, so it'll be a swell mix indeed! Read what they have to say, and check out the URL-links to their sites to check out more of their works!
Introducing: PJ Constable - a 16 year old artist, from St. Albans, UK.
"I discovered the world of vinyl and designer toys at the age of 11 through an ad in a Simpsons comic. From then on I began searching and collecting, and before I knew it I had become immersed in this crazy and interesting scene. I have always loved drawing monsters and creatures, my biggest inspirations from a very young age being cartoons and the natural world. I first tried my hand at customising when I was 15, since then I am happy to have seen a positive growth in such a short amount of time. Hugely due to all the support and kindness I have been shown from my family, and the customisers and artists I have looked up to and spoken to at numerous events."

(PJ was recommended by Bjornik)
/////////////////////////FLASHBACK FIVE/////////////////////////

TOYSREVIL: Describe how 2012 has been for you, in thirteen words!

PJ CONSTABLE: Ok letā€™s focus on the Good ^_^

Creative, Inspiring, Educational, Amazing, Supportive, Overwhelming, Exciting, Colourful, Fun, Eventful, Music, Cartoons, New.

Foggrum the Forest Goblin
(Foggrum the Forest Goblin)

TOYSREVIL: What is the one thing folks might not know about you.

PJ CONSTABLE: Well things people might not know about me:

Iā€™m 16,
Still in school doing my A levels, Studying Art, Graphics, Biology and Geography,
Iā€™m Half Thai ^_^

Things I did:

Made a lot of things that people liked, such as my ā€˜Chowderā€™ customs for Vinyl Thoughts 3. (shown below)

Chowder set

TOYSREVIL: Share with us your most triumphant moment in 2012.

PJ CONSTABLE: I think my proudest moment would just be hearing really nice things from people Iā€™ve looked up to and have been inspired by. Being given the opportunity to be a part of some really great shows such as Vinyl Thoughts 3, Dragons, Heavy Metal Qee and The Sneaky Snow Ball, have all been such great moments for me, and just being a part of them has really helped me step up my game, and have really just been great sources of motivation.

Christmas customs
(Customs for Sneaky Snow Ball)

TOYSREVIL: What is your most favorite toy or piece of art you've seen in 2012?

PJ CONSTABLE: This is a really difficult one because 2012 has been such a great year for production as well as seeing the rise and development of many super talented and inspiring customizers.

Iā€™d have to say though that one of the standout production pieces for me has to be Kronkā€™s Dweezil piece, and Iā€™d love to own it if I had the money xD

As for a custom piece Iā€™ve been blown away numerous times by many of MAp-MApā€™s pieces, but mainly the custom he did for the Dudebox launch. I loved his use of the hollow space inside the dude as well as all the tiny hand sculpted creatures that dwelled inside it.

Twitter bird Dudebox
(Twitter Bird Dudebox Custom)

TOYSREVIL: Which is your single most favorite non-toy-related website in 2012?

PJ CONSTABLE: I know that this isnā€™t really an outstanding answer but I love going on Youtube pretty regularly, I love seeing all the new content people are uploading, itā€™s a great place for a laugh. Some awesome channels have also started popping up such as Cartoon Hangover, one series on there in particular which Iā€™m currently following being BRAVEST WARRIORS. Being a huge fan of Adventure Time, Iā€™m equally enjoying Pendleton Wardā€™s new web series on there, definitely worth checking out.


/////////////////////////LOOKING FORWARD/////////////////////////

TOYSREVIL: What is that one single word you would use to describe what you expect in 2013?

PJ CONSTABLE: Stress. Well thatā€™s unavoidable, especially with school :ā€™) In terms of customising Iā€™ll use the word ā€˜Growthā€™.

TOYSREVIL: What are you most looking forward to in 2013?

PJ CONSTABLE: Iā€™m looking forward to Kronkā€™s upcoming stuff, he has his own production brand now right? Pretty exciting stuff as Iā€™m such a big fan. Also any Red Mutuca stuff is definitely gonna get me pretty hyped, love every single one of those guys.

Looing forward to the growth of Mighty Jaxx too! Some of the stuff theyā€™ve been releasing has been mind blowing.

2013 is going to be an even bigger year for this scene so there is definitely gonna be a lot to get excited over, too much for me to write about.

Hellboy WIP
(Hellboy WIP)

TOYSREVIL: Are You A Jedi Master or A Sith Lord?

PJ CONSTABLE: I donā€™t really know, Siths are cooler, but Iā€™m more of a good guy ;p

TOYSREVIL: Better to Tweet It? or Instagram It? or Facebook It?

PJ CONSTABLE: Iā€™m on all three but, I have to say that Iā€™ve been using instagram the most. Just because when Iā€™m on social networks, I pretty much only share WIPs and other photos of my work. Instagram is all about that, and itā€™s just really easy to do so. I appreciate everyone who has been following me so far.

Going to be doing a giveaway on Twitter soon since I hit 250 followers ^_^

Fatcap custom
(Fatcap custom)

TOYSREVIL: Describe your own work/art in thirteen words.

PJ CONSTABLE: Character Driven, Quirky, Detailed, Creepy, Cute?, Strange, Creative, Unique, Imaginative, Random, , Derp.

Cactus Dunny
(Cactus Dunny)

TOYSREVIL: What should folks look out from you in 2013? And why?

PJ CONSTABLE: Gonna hopefully be making more than I have this year, but school has to come first :p Iā€™m already a part of a few upcoming projects such as Project QiQi and Art in the Groove.

Hopefully my commission list will also be growing as I love making stuff for other people to enjoy. Working on an amazing Adventure time commission, where Iā€™ve been asked to make a whole cast of characters from the show. Iā€™m so excited to have that completed soon.

Fionna WIP

PJ CONSTABLE: A project that Iā€™m curating will also be happening this year, which Iā€™m super excited about. Itā€™s called CRAWLY CREEPERS and the artists involved are all so amazing ^-^ Watch this space.

TOYSREVIL: What is that ONE word you hope to achieve for yourself by the end of 2013?

PJ CONSTABLE: Success ^-^

TOYSREVIL: Okay this is more of a challenge: Draw A Self Portrait With You As A "Snake" - interpret what you may!


With a sense of style and animated+evocative design ages above his own and of (a lot of) his older peers, PJ is most definitely a customizing and creating-force to be reckoned with, IMHO. And you would do well to check out his online venues via:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PJConstable
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PJConstable
Instagram: @PJConstable
Shop (WIP): http://pjconstable.bigcartel.com
Website: (Coming Soon WIP): www.pjconstable.com

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