Brandt Peters’ Old Timey Stingy Jack by Tomenosuke + Circus Posterus Releases Feb 13
Tomenosuke will be releasing Brandt Peters’ Old Timey Stingy Jack on February 13th @ 10pm via - with the Painted version priced at 9,500 yen (US$95) and in an edition side of 120 pieces - divided equally between Tomenosuke (international customers) and Circus Posterus (North American customers). Figures come bagged-n-tagged, and signed by Brandt Peters!
Also offered at the same time (but at a price of 12,500 Yen / US$125 per) is the UNPAINTED Version of the 6.5 inch tall sofubi, with this particular edition limited to only 12 pieces! Stay sharp, toy-lovers!