Custom-Feature: Battle Star Astronauts by Bashprojects shares with us a trio of his latest customs, and they are pretty darn adorable! Made from Huck Gee's Mecha Dunnys (from his recently released 'Post-Apocalypse' series) - "Mike" and "Charlie" have since already been spoken for but "Lima" is "still available" (although I can't seem to find the listing in his store…). Nevertheless, here's the story of "Battle Star Astronauts":
"Battle Star Astronauts are the toughest and baddest mother fuckers in the universe. If there is trouble somewhere in the universe that no one can fix... call the Battle Star Astronauts!
Mike is from the planet Freesnutsoff. The planet is so cold that everything on that planet is ice-cold blue. Mike once destroyed half the planet after he had his balls frozen to the ground. He had to break them loose with his bare hands, almost taking apart the entire planet.
Lima is from the planet Gigantula. He is one of the smallest creatures from that planet but he is so bad-ass that he was born with just one eye... He didn't need a second one!
Charlie is the leader of the group and comes from the planet Fluffyhappyland. He lost his left eye during an epic pin-pong match…"