Unbox Industries: Seen @ ToyConUK 2013

Seriously though, with the amount of toy-awesomeness seen on Unbox Industries' spot at ToyConUK, I personally would be flinging cash-money into the pockets and cash-boxes of the folks manning the table! Here's a look at what laid in store for attendees for the inaugural event, and as well I'd gone and bugged the man behind Unbox; Dan Willett for the lowdown!

unbox - trutek booth

TOYSREVIL: How was the ToyCon for you? Your impressions? Was it what you expected it to be? Was this your first Con?

DAN WILLETT: The organisation of Toycon was excellent, Jonjo, Ben and Barry ran a tight ship all day and any concerns were dealt with immediately. There was a nice sense of comradarie and it was a great opportunity to meet long time customers face to face. 

Jeff Lamm flew in from the USA and was really impressed by the warmth and enthusiasm.
It was our first event in the UK (we have attended Taipei for a couple of years).

unbox jeff lamm
Unbox - white steegar

TOYSREVIL: Tell us what you had on your table! And which of your items had the warmest reception / best response?

DAN WILLETT: A bonanza of Jeff Lamm goodies!
Nemesis the Warlock
Judge Death plush
Salad Fingers
Tado Phunts

Everything sold really well, Jeff's fans were loving the variants and the Spongebrain figure freaked a few people out as we have not displayed him before!

trutek - awesomeness
trutek - aboboid

TOYSREVIL: Any suggestions to make the event even more awesome in the future?

DAN WILLETT: As mentioned, Toycon was pretty much flawless but i would love to see the event celebrate toys in general (especially the action figure genre) and open up our world to a wider demographic. There are some amazing collectors and collections out there and the opportunity to bring this scene into the fold would be amazing.

(All Images courtesy of Dolly Oblong)
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