Seen @ #TTF2013: Blackbook Toy
And while I've previously posted a booth snap of it being set-up, here's a closer look at what Japan's Blackbook Toy has on it's shelves - featuring the TTF-exclusive DEATHSHEAD S'MURKS and BLACKOUT BIG BONER (from David Flores and Ron English, respectively), followed by Frank Kozik's A CLOCKWORK CARROT and a advanced look at the Mishka x Lamour Supreme: KEEP WATCH Piggy Bank "Gangrene" Edition - to be a Toy Tokyo-exclusive for San Diego Comic Con!
Go check out BlackBook Toy booth A12 @ Taipei Toy Festival (July 11-14) and tell'em TOYSREVIL sent you! … and that Smurks plush-cushion? Seems someone already has dibs on them, and using it too! Can you guess WHO that person is? :p
(Event pics via Blackbook Toy + Daniel Yu + Jubi Yang)