Panda Otaku by TADO On Sale Now
TADO has opened up their online shop at, offering up all manners of cuteness, including their Toycon UK unpainted "Au Naturale" and Painted Editions of "Jerry" the Panda, and "Piggle" (**Pre-order) both at £145.00 per, including 4" wooden carved and hand-painted figurine + Box (7" x 4.5" x 3" / excluding signage). Remember to click on the "TOYS" tab to view all listings, folks!
About The Panda Otaku Project: "Panda Otaku is a long term collaborative project between ourselves and fellow Sheffielder and wood-carving magician Nick Hunter.
Together we produce super limited editions of hand-carved wooden toys, fusing contemporary character design with traditional craftsmanship of the highest quality.
Every one is individually carved by Nick and then painted or finished by ourselves. Each figure is produced entirely here in Sheffield, totally unique and a pain-staking labour of love."