#throwbacktoythursday: Tabun Studio

I met toy designer Chaiwath AKA "Tabun" from Thailand for the very first time, in person, at the inaugural "Singapore Toys & Comic Con in 2008" (before it was bought over by Reed and renamed "STGCC"), and was exposed to his style of design and toy aesthetics. To say it was an "eye opener", was an understatement.
I was gifted this trio of figures you see in the images posted here (with more uploaded HERE on my dedicated Facebook album), along with a fantabulous dioramic set-up, which I have been shooting aplenty from, as seen on my Instagram lately!

The notion of self-sculpted characters utilizing existing forms (in this case a Kubrick/Bearbrick torso and legs) to enhance the articulation of the overall piece, is in and of itself, inspirational, IMO. Mind you, this was nearly 6 years ago!
Hopefully by this time of post, I will already be in Thailand for Bangkok Comic Con 2014 (4-6 July), and meeting up with Tabun to experience more of his world of toys!
Posted below are images of us circe 2008 at STCC, and you can see more of his experience at STCC HERE (Post in Thai language).