A Peek at What Daniel Yu Might Have For #STGCC 2014

And so Daniel Yu was booth-ing Saturday night at The Local People Night Market @ the Singapore Art Museum, where his display was a preview of toy-goodness to be had at his STGCC-booth AA90, for next weekend's Singapore Toy Games & Comic Con (Sept 6-7, 2014). Featuring Foot Clan soldiers, "Metal Heads" and "R.Mortis" - all self-sculpted and self-casted resin figurines enough to make my head explode and wallet crying out for a reprieve ā¦ you should too.
And while I do not have official product nor prices to share as yet, here's a closer look at the WIPs of the Playmobil-sized figurines!

(Above: Metal Head / Below: Playmobil-sized awesome toy-ness!)

Source: IG @thedanielyu @mikeozzo