HIDDEN FORTRESS + TOYSREVIL-Exclusive Toys @ Singapore Toys, Games & Comic-Con 2014

And while TOYSREVIL does not have a booth at this year's Singapore Toy Games & Comic Con - happening this weekend on September 6th to 7th - TOYSREVIL-Exclusive Edition TOYS and COLLECTIBLES can be had at the HIDDEN FORTRESS booth AA17 in Artist Alley! And while I might not be at the booth, the toys will be :)
PRESS: "See you at the STGCC2014 AA17 Booth at The Hidden Fortress camp! The crew comprised of Egg Fiasco, Tawnie Tantay, Trip63 and Quiccs joins forces with Imagine Nation Studios, Jagnus Design Studios, and other Secret Fresh Artists EXLD, Epjey and more to bring the good folks of Singapore fresh toy releases and other awesome merchandise! Exclusive releases include collaborations under FlabSlab, Wetworks, Toysrevil and more! See you all on September 6-7!"

In the very short days leading up to the event (*gulp*), I will be revealing WHAT the exclusives are, and you can click on icon a menu-left to see them all in a glance! If any TOYSREVIL-Editions remain unspoken for after SGCC, they will be listed online via my webshop only a week later. Folks on my Mailing-List will have first dibs before that :)