Pobber Toys @ #STGCC2014
This was the first time Pobber Toys has exhibited in their own country, with their booth at STGCC2014 displaying a splendid array of their products, including Gary Ham's SYLVAN and Scott Tolleson's BELLA & IVY LEE. It was the first time I had a chance to see KRONK's BAD ASS up close too, and gosh did it look awesome! Folks interested in scoring some of their items post-STGCC are to head to pobber.bigcartel.com, or when they set-up booth at Taipei Toy Festival (Oct 9-12, 2014)!
Scott Tolleson was on hand for scheduled signings as well, and I managed to have a decent chat with him (mondo thanks for letting me sit in Jake & Hallie!). Funny about the immense interests on Bella & Ivy, primarily of guys who mentioned their "other half" might not have approved of theem buying the figure LOL
As well on show were prints from KRONK, JonPaul Kaiser and Jc Rivera. Doktor A's cards were also available too. Overall an impressive spread of products, no b.s.
And oh, did I mention the Pobber.com exclusive Sylvan was utterly-awesome too? The colors looked much more vibrant in person, making the character "pop out" even more, IMHO! (Thanks again, Jake!). And here's to you Gary Ham, you might not be here in SG, but you were with us in spirit!
Additional images via IG @pobbertoys