GeekStuff Dead & D4L3K by Kris Dulfer (Kid Ink Industries) for Geek Stuff @ New York Comic Con #NYCC20134
GEEKSTUFF PRESS: "Kris Dulfer has a pile of exclusives he will be releasing at his own booth but he's saved some awesome ones for Geek Stuff as well. First up is the GeekStuff Dead Vinyl Busts. These will be on sale for $120 each.
The second piece could be the exclusive I'm most excited about this year overall. During a random mid afternoon delirium induced text message brain storming session I suggested we take two things I love dearly, Doctor Who and Star Wars, and mix it with a little good v. bad and we came up with the D4L3K. This is limited to 10 pieces at $50 a piece in various shades of blue with some other surprises thrown in there as well!
Both of these exclusives will be available at the Geek Stuff Booth 127 during the run of New York Comic Con 2014 (Oct 9-12)." -Matt Cipoletti for Big Kev's Geek Stuff (Facebook Events).