DIY Suggestions for Valentines Day Gifting by TOYSREVIL (2015 Edition)
So Valentines Day is today/tomorrow, and you've not prepared a single present for your better half / significant other? Well, Good Luck to you!
But never fear, TOYSREVIL offers up some DIY-suggestions that does not necessarily involve loads of cash-money (upfront) and possibly do-able within 24 hours (maybe…) … For Your Kind Considerations:

OPTION#5: A bouquet of paper folded toys (it could be flowers, but you could just buy that straightup, innit?). This particular arrangement was gifted to me from Eric Wirjanata AKA Thunderpanda featuring his paper toy creation LEMI The Space Wanderer! (And no, I was not his Valentines, but he gifted me when I was in hospital circa 2010).
Make sure your home printer has INK first huh?

OPTION#4: Repack a eclectic selection of toys (that you may have lying around the house, and clean up the dust first *cough*) in a Box of ToyLove, and surprise her/him with "sharing" part of your collection. But please use a decent box and wrapping, don't be TOO stingy, yeh? Or you could use a fancy lunchbox, like the one from Amanda Visell x Dark Horse I used in the pic above! Could work as a picnic gift too, no?

OPTION#3: Find a DIY vinyl toy in your collection (not the rare or 20" one, unless you can afford it), and ink on it a declaration of how you feel about the person receiving the toy. And when said person unwraps the DIY, he/she are to write more words or draw on it, about how they feel about you, instead. Then you write something, then he/she writes something, so on and s forth, until the piece is covered with expressions of love you have for each other.
Red and Black markers would be lovely. "Blue" so very "office", so skip that :p … and a Micro Munny ain't gonna have a lot of surface space to write on, okay? :p
Then after VDay, let it sit on the shelf for a while, then chuck it … hey, that there's a written CONTRACT and proof needed when you part and get sued, yo! LOL

OPTION#2: Make a Dunny Surprise VDay box. Follow Instructions here … Old But Gold :)
Don't go thinking about painting a toy, might not dry in time for you to pack and gift :p
No Dunny? "Improvise", but let the toy's feet exposed, because it might be cuter that way … and guessing the right answer might even be rewarded with a kiss? *SMOOCHIES*
OPTION#1: When all else fails, draw her/him a VDay card yourself. I did, decades ago! But then again I am still single now, so maybe that didn't work too well … not in the "long run" anyways … heh
But never fear, TOYSREVIL offers up some DIY-suggestions that does not necessarily involve loads of cash-money (upfront) and possibly do-able within 24 hours (maybe…) … For Your Kind Considerations:

OPTION#5: A bouquet of paper folded toys (it could be flowers, but you could just buy that straightup, innit?). This particular arrangement was gifted to me from Eric Wirjanata AKA Thunderpanda featuring his paper toy creation LEMI The Space Wanderer! (And no, I was not his Valentines, but he gifted me when I was in hospital circa 2010).
Make sure your home printer has INK first huh?

OPTION#4: Repack a eclectic selection of toys (that you may have lying around the house, and clean up the dust first *cough*) in a Box of ToyLove, and surprise her/him with "sharing" part of your collection. But please use a decent box and wrapping, don't be TOO stingy, yeh? Or you could use a fancy lunchbox, like the one from Amanda Visell x Dark Horse I used in the pic above! Could work as a picnic gift too, no?

OPTION#3: Find a DIY vinyl toy in your collection (not the rare or 20" one, unless you can afford it), and ink on it a declaration of how you feel about the person receiving the toy. And when said person unwraps the DIY, he/she are to write more words or draw on it, about how they feel about you, instead. Then you write something, then he/she writes something, so on and s forth, until the piece is covered with expressions of love you have for each other.
Red and Black markers would be lovely. "Blue" so very "office", so skip that :p … and a Micro Munny ain't gonna have a lot of surface space to write on, okay? :p
Then after VDay, let it sit on the shelf for a while, then chuck it … hey, that there's a written CONTRACT and proof needed when you part and get sued, yo! LOL

OPTION#2: Make a Dunny Surprise VDay box. Follow Instructions here … Old But Gold :)
Don't go thinking about painting a toy, might not dry in time for you to pack and gift :p
No Dunny? "Improvise", but let the toy's feet exposed, because it might be cuter that way … and guessing the right answer might even be rewarded with a kiss? *SMOOCHIES*
OPTION#1: When all else fails, draw her/him a VDay card yourself. I did, decades ago! But then again I am still single now, so maybe that didn't work too well … not in the "long run" anyways … heh