Lekky's Top Ten Toys for 2014
WHAT-IS: *Celebrating 2015 with a series of "TOP TEN TOYS FOR 2014" as picked by fellow plastic-crack-addicts … eerrr … I meant "fellow toy collectors"! It doesn't have to be released in 2014, it just has to be purchased / gifted / unboxed in 2014. Living my toy-dreams vicariously through you collections! Share Your Toy-Joy, people!* [CLICK to read all]
A dear friend from Thailand, I had previously featured Lekky in a iCollect feature, showcasing her love for Mori Chack's Gloomy Bear, and I had to find out what her TOP TEN TOYS FOR 2014 (also secretly wanting to find out if there's Gloomy in her list :p) … Scroll own to find out if she has!
WHY: "...this one is rare to find, and I bought it in a Thailand market by accident, and I love it so much! The shape of Gloomy Bear's paw covering over the banana looks so cute and funny, and I am so happy to get them!"
(#9) ANNA from FROZEN
WHY: "I could not make up my mind which one I should get, whether Anna or Elsa, and I ended up getting both of them, and they represent so much like my sister and I! Anna is me, and Elsa is my sis LOL"
(#8) ELSA from FROZEN
WHY: "I had always admired the character from this animation and I love this piece so much."
WHY: "…this one was a rare piece and I managed to get her just in time - I love the doll eye so badly, the feature of this toy looked so amazing and it was a hard decision for me whether I should get them or not … but I finally did and am so proud of it."
WHY: "…the design of the model simply cute enough that I had to get them and it was on discount too!"
WHY: "This year has been a big year for me to get all EVA toys coz I had just started watching their anime and I love their character designs a lot!"
WHY: "I had wanted EVA model - not the anime characters but the EVA itself - and I got this becoz it was on discount lol and I love it so much!"
WHY: "Sakura Chan!!!! This is rare a opportunity to have such nice Sakura figure since the anime has been out and done since I was a kid and it has always been my favorite character.. and when I heard Goodsmile were making them and releasing out to market, I was so desperate to get them badly! But I finally did :)"
WHY: "This is another one of my Asuka EVA, and is my favorite model because its new and I had only just got it and its like another part of the same model with the first Rei ... they go along so well together, and I brought both of them on the spot when I first saw them."
WHY: "I personally like this piece the most because it comes as a set with Asuka EVA (seen in the no. 2 list of my favorites) ... it is a hard to find model, for the same EVA story."