Introducing OFFICE CAT by Javier Jimenez x Max Toy Co
Mark Nagata reveals an image of an upcoming sofubi coming from Max Toy Co named "OFFICE CAT" - featuring character design by Javier Jimenez (with sculpt by Cristina Ravenna). But just "Who Is Office Cat?"
"The Office Cat is just a regular cat that works in an office. He’s really lazy and is always sleepy so his boss is always yelling at him." - shared Javier.I wonder if Office Cat is a colleague of tokidoki's Salary Man and Frank Kozik's Salari Ika, and they all work in the same company under Dehara's SalaryMan Boss?
Count me IN for a gacha series of different toy designers' SalaryMen, okay? Meanwhile, stay tuned to further developments of Javier's Office Cat on IG @maxtoyco :)