db x Taiwan Show at Detention Barracks (Opening Sept 15)
Opening September 15th at Detention Barracks (@ 56B Joo Chiat Place S427780, Singapore 427780) is the "DB X TAIWAN" show, featuring artworks from Taiwan-based artists Skull13 / 13ART / Skull Man, BanaNa ViruS and SHON SIDE!
Fresh from their tenure at the recent weekend's Singapore Toy Games & Comic Convention, the trio will be in attendance at the opening at 7:30pm. On display will be swell mix of their custom toys and collectibles, and canvas artwork. If you missed their Genesis4 booth at STGCC, this would be an opportune time to score some sweetness from these artists, PLUS first-time on display custom Bambaboss customs and art specially created for this exhibition!
RSVP here on Facebook, and as well these are a few preview of what is to come! "db x Taiwan" will exhibit for a week.
(Customs and Artwork from 13ART / Skull Man)
(Customs and Artwork from SHON SIDE)
("Breaking Bear" from BanaNa ViruS)