Skull Head Butt Oozi-X Lottery on now from KaijuMonsteR

"Currently available via e-mail lottery KaijuMonsteR's delayed āŖNYCCā¬ exclusive Skull Head Butt clear sofubi "Oozi-X" with re-sculpted OOZE-IT homage head and body. Skull Head Butt "Moon-X" comes blind bagged in 3 variations that are all individually numbered by hand: 7 X Yellow + 5 X Green + 3 X Blue painted dolls & 1 unpainted doll for just ā¬160 ($173) plus shipping."Interested folks are to email "" with your Name, Instagram name (if you have one), country, shipping address, phone number and PayPal address - All BEFORE Thursday, February 18th.
(Cheers for the headsup, Martijn)