SHARK BRAIN from Ryan Lansdon for C2E2 (March 18-20)

Ryan Lansdon sends in word of his upcoming release planned for C2E2 (March 18-20), with SHARK BRAIN in an extremely limited run of only 5 figures - each priced at US$65 - available first at the NerdCity Booth #760!
"The head was designed and sculpted by Toy Aisle Customs (Ryan Lansdon) and produced in resin by the talented ManOrMonster? Studios. The bodies are from the incredible Realm of the Underworld line by The paint job was done by Toy Aisle Customs. Each figure comes bagged with hand cut header cards. Bio card and stickers are also included.
Shark Brain is the first character in the series "Gladiators of the Deep". Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @toyaislecustoms." (Read more HERE on FB)