Igor Ventura’s “Royal” Androids A/Ps Releases Jan 20th
Igor Ventura has send word that he will be offering up his Android A/Ps this coming Friday January 20th at 12:00 ET via igorventura.bigcartel.com - in a trio of different options, including;
- 2-pack with the King and Queen, both signed, plus a pack with 8 playing cards (10 packs available) @ US$50 per set.
FYI: Both King and Queen re the part of the Basic Set for Androids Series 6.
- 3-pack with King, Queen and Jack, signed and numbered, plus a pack with cards (10 packs available) @ US$180 per set.
FYI: “Prince” was a “Chase” figure in Androids S6.
- Custom Joker (only 2 available) with a pack of cards @ US$160 each.
FYI: The Joker was not apart of the Androids series, so it is a straight-up custom-piece (previously featured), that would completely work with the Royal set~