Upcoming New Toys from Scott Tolleson: Mystery Kappas & Dad Bod Deadbeets!
Scott Tolleson has revealed TWO character sculpts coming down his pipeline - with one featuring a brand new character, and the other an “evolution of an existing character!
Featured below is an unpainted figure by @seriouslysillyk bringing to toy-sculpted-reality Scott’s drawing (see above) a as-yet-named “Mystery Kappa Project” - along with eternal questions ”Who is this weirdo and why does he where that derpy smile?” - and I cannot wait to find out WHY!
(Psst: it is a “Ron Jeremy Toy” … don’t go googling if you are not an adult, yeah? The Kappa’s shell is covering “something” ~ :p)
I’ve a folder filled with images of sculpts @seriouslysillyk had done for Super7’s Street Fighter MUSCLE figure - that I have yet to publish because I’m slow (*sob*) - BUT, it does not take away how awesome and prolific of a sculptor she is! So go gawk at her Instagram now, GO!
Featured below is a fabulous vision of “DAD BOD DEADBEET” - as sculpted by George Gaspar (IG @doublegtoys),which will be made sofubi for a release “soon”.
"The Dad Bod Deadbeet is a vulgar vulgaris who loves to eat junk food from between the cushions of an unkept couch. I'm currently awaiting a sample pull from Japan."
I am absolutely LOVING this incarnation of Deadbeet (Mr Gaspar sculpted the initial version too), and I am both rubbing my own bloated belly (*cough*) and do an air-fist punch for this non-cute-design ever ready to invade toy-culture!
Stay connected to IG @mrscotttolleson for updates!