DUNE: A Sci-Fi Art Show @ KULT Gallery (Dec 1-30)
1 Dec 2017 – For four weeks in December, urban art space Kult Gallery will transform into the planet Arrakis from the sci- cult favourite novel by Frank Herbert, Dune. The works of over 15 artists across disciplines will be shown at Dune: A Sci- Art Show.
Apart from Dune-inspired artworks and virtual reality experiences, guests keen to deepen their appreciation can also attend a panel discussion about building sci- worlds (2 Dec 2017) or sip a Dune-inspired cocktail while watching a related documentary (9 Dec 2017).”
(Above-left: “We Dream of Networks” by Jess Johnson (@flesh_dozer)
Above-right: "Death of Paul" by IdleBeatsçˆ±è±†ç¬”æ¤ (@idlebeats_china)
THE ART OF DUNE: ”For those unfamiliar with the franchise, Dune: A Sci- Art Show is an introduction to the fictional world and its multigenerational appeal. For fans, the exhibition pitches the relevance of the story again; a reminder in the context of many current issues including oil con icts in the Middle East, medical experimentations to prolong life and intellectual conferences on the future of Arti cial Intelligence.”
"An air of surrealism honors the artworks on view, coupled with a renewed belief in art as a tool to further the stories of science. The works essentially fold fact into fantasy and can be interpreted as relics, tributes and results of Frank Herbert’s Dune philosophy." ~ shared Kult’s curator.
Participating artists include: Addy Debil (ID), Chris Foss (UK), Didier Jaba Mathieu (SG), Fragiledarkness (SG), Howie Kim (SG), Idle Beats (CH), Jess Johnson (NZ), Jevgeni Andronenko (SG), Kittozutto (SG), LAPRISAMATA (SP), Leeroy New (PH), New Media Assembly (SG), Race Krehel (SG), Scryptk (SG), Six Degrees of Freedom (SG), The Sucklord (US), Tikkywow (TH).
As well the gallery will be showcasing the works of British artist Chris Foss (with prints available / see images below), Singaporean-based creative duo kittozutto (above artwork; “Awaken” via), and video content makers Six Degrees of Freedom, and a host of other activities you can find out more about (*some of which require paid admission), on the event’s Facebook Page.
The “DUNE: A SCI-FI ART SHOW” exhibits thru 30th December 2017.