The SCHNAUZER ARMORED WALKER by Machination Studio x Mighty Jaxx on Kickstarter Now!
Launched on Kickstarter today is the new project in the CODENAME: COLOSSUS world helmed by Michael Sng (of Machination Studio): The SCHNAUZER ARMORED WALKER!
Supported by Mighty Jaxx, folks in Singapore had a chance to see the prototype at the recent Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Con 2017 (Sept 9-10), and now the mechanised collectible has launched and needs your help to make it a reality! You have a choice of TWO colours: Green in the Grenzjäger (Border Patrol) markings, and Grey in the Kaisergarde (Imperial Bodyguard) markings.

WHAT-IS: "The Schnauzer Armoured Walker is a mechanized dieselpunk walking tank scale model from the world of Codename Colossus. The light armoured walker is the first Colossus from the Imperial German faction to be produced.
Standing at 8¼ inches (21 cm) tall, it comes fully assembled, and professionally hand painted and weathered.
Besides looking great, it features a realistic walking motion, a spinning gatling gun, and a cannon motion through a series of mechanical gears and cams, powered by a single motor and 4x AA sized batteries. A little technology to bring the model to life. "

PzKpfl.I Schnauzer Armoured Walker Grenzjäger (Border Patrol, Green) version. One fully assembled, professionally hand painted and weathered model — SGD399 (Estimated USD295)
PzKpfl.I Schnauzer Armoured Walker Kaisergarde (Imperial Bodyguard, Grey) version. One fully assembled, professionally hand painted and weathered model — SGD499 (Estimated USD367)
The project has a Pledge Goal of S$99,000, and will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Wednesay, December 6 2017 11:03 AM AWST. Support the project HERE on!

“Technology” is not necessarily a term used to reference Mighty Jaxx's collectibles (who’d recently celebrated their 5th Anniversary), not as much the way they produce their collectibles, but of the "collectibles" themselves, but it is an aspect they are threading forth into, along with recent offerings like Jason Freeny’s BMO XXRAY PLUS collectible - just launched for pre-orders, where certain aspects of the collectible propels them beyond just “sitting still on the display shelf” (IMHO).
The “Schnauzer Armored Walker” certainly features much MORE than just a pretty model sitting on the shelf! With the aesthetics of hobby-craft refineries and oomph of dieselpunk-fueled “alternative” world timeline fantasy, this project surely injects a healthy dose of AW in the awesome-toy=scene, IMHO.
Michael himself will be heading off to Designer Con 2017 (Nov 11-12) with Mighty jaxx, so you can find out more straight from the man himself! And as well stay tuned to TOYSREVIL to discover the genesis of his creation, in the very near (but not “alternative”) future.
Above: Debut at STGCC2017
Below: Launched on Kickstarter