GIANT DUCKY Editions from IxDOLL for TOY SOUL 2017 (Dec 15-17)
You like “rubber duckies”? Than perhaps you’ve heard of IxDOLL’s “BUBU DUCKY”, and come December 15th to 17th, they’ll have GIANT DUCKYs galore at TOYSOUL 2017 in Hong Kong!
Keep a lookout for the golden-flaked GOLDEN SYMPHONY Edition, the silver-flaked STAR DUST Version, and the suitably festive XMAS LIMITED Version!
So How “big” is “GIANT”? How about putting a bunch of little BuBus inside of it? Shown below is a clear vinyl figure on show at Beijing Toy Show, and I’ll update if there are further updates, paling which, you should stay connected to Instagram @ixdoll for updates!