"This Dude Destroys and Transforms $35,000 Shoes" (Vice showcase on "Freehand Profit")
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: "Gary Lockwood has always been obsessed with art, hip-hop, and sneakers, and in 2010, he found a way to combine all three passions: mask-making. The artist started tearing apart shoes—from the common to the ultra-collectible—and piecing them back together into ornate, colorful gasmasks. Now, he’s turned his artwork into a business, selling masks to high-profile clients from Method Man to Kevin Durant, and collaborating with companies like Nike, Adidas, and Versace.
VICE met up with Lockwood (a.k.a. Freehand Profit) to hear what drew him to mask-making, tour his studio, and follow along as he put together a new piece from a handful of coveted sneakers." (Text via)
I'd recognized his work in this video from my previous post about Bryian Lie's NO.179 Print of his "No.179 Versace Chain Reaction Sneaker Mask", and for which Idid not know any better and first thought it was a conceptual computer render instead (*gasp*) ... but now I have been "enlightened" to his art! Check out images on Instagram @freehandprofit!
It is the re-creation / re-imagining of ideas, evolving into another form of design and expression, bolstered with the visible presentation, to transport our eyes and pricked imaginations into a realm not easily comprehended (perhaps), but readily enjoyable in its mozzie-bite discomfort, and I LIKE IT!
... AND, I like me my "gas masks", you know? :p