SYN HMN RMX - Synthetic Human Custom Show @ Wrong Gallery Taipei (Opens Oct 18th)
Scheduled for launch at the Wrong Gallery in Taipei, is 1000toys' "SYN HMN RMX" = A "brand new iteration of the Synthetic Human Custom Show where a cadre of talented international artists have applied their creative talents to our signature figure - the ⅙ scale Synthetic Human."
Opening October 18th (to coincide with the 15th annual Taipei Toy Festival 2018), the line up features works by many Taiwanese artists including Momoco Studio, Robin Tang Antics, SHON SIDE, Professor e, Jing D Wang, FUNK TOY, BlueMoonToy, Skullman and Banana Virus - some works since previewed here!
They will be joining creations from the rest of the world - including MechNoiz Toys (Hong Kong), Archiplex (U.S.A.), WetWorks (Singapore), Doktor A (U.K.), KALLAMITY (Italy), Mecha Zone (U.S.A.), Luke Chueh (U.S.A.). UAMOU (Japan), Yasu (Japan), Atom A. Amawrestler (Japan), Kit Lau (Hong Kong), Hangar67 (Germany), Louiz7 x LuYang (Taiwan/China) and Tokyo Jesus (Japan).
Dates: Oct 18 ~ 28, 2018
Location: Wrong Gallery
Taiwan East Road, Taipei City