#TOYSfor2019: Mini Sofubi Figure Series from Junko Mizuno x Tomenosuke
WHAT-IS: "In this #TOYSfor2019 serial feature, TOYSREVIL shares with you what collectibles you can look forward to releasing in 2019! Hit me up at toysreviler@gmail.com with pics-n-info if you've got something exciting planned, thanks!"
(As yet named) Mini Sofubi figures designed by Junko Mizuno and produced by Tomenosuke, with images here of the prototype sculpture from the sculptor Tatsuhiro Fujiwara. Made with Obitsu, stay tuned for further product and availability updates!
Featuring character manifestations of a food cycle (?!), shown above are (from the left): Takoumori (tako = octopus + komori = bat), Niku-chan (niku = meat), Unko-san (unko = poo), Ha-si (ha = tooth + shi = mister) and Eggko (fried egg).