Isaac Tang's #TopTenToysof2018

The following #TopTenToysof2018 was shared with us by Isaac Tang - who is a marketer, a toy collector, a HongKonger, and a fan of To-Fu Oyako. And you can check out MORE of his collection via Instagram @isaac_t88! Thanks for the list, Issac, and WELCOME TO TOYSREVIL! (& Thanks to Winston for the recommendation!)
#10: TV Most Buddy (Non Special Edition) from TVMost
This is a cute bear which represents a Digital Media in Hong Kong....And I am working in there. Please support. Someone said the face (especially the eyebrows) is inspire by one of my boss (same as his face).
#9: GX-77 Gipsy Danger from Soul of Chogokin/ Bandai
I am a collector of Soul of Chogokin (fans of Super Robot Wars too). This is my 50th Soul of Chogokin. GX-77 is primarily built from metal and die-cast parts (I have not say this for a long long time...). The articulation and the mobility are good. Also, the accessories are very details. Overall, this is the best Soul of Chogokin of 2018 that I got.
#8: DINO UAMOU GALAXY from Uamou
I got this from my Tokyo Trip in 2018. This is the first launch version and I am so glad to have a DINO UAMOU with the most signature colour ways. This is so cute :)
#7: To-Fu Kun & Ribon Chan from Meruhen Rieko/ Devilrobots
This is a handmade figure from Meruhen Rieko & Shinichiro Kitai in Taipei toy festival. This figure is a perfect match with a mini To-Fu Thunderbolt figure. They can use a cutey way to show a Raijin.
#6: Blue Boo by Bubi Au Yeung
Winter is cold. Monday is Blue. Blue Boo can makes my heart warm. It has two faces. I like the face of "Closing eyes to live in the moment" more. I would say this toy has a comforting effect.
#5: To-Fu Makalele & Makalele 恋 from Rumbbell/ Devilrobots
To-Fu Makalele is one of the cutest toys in my collection. This is my first Makalele collection as I remember. This collaboration was perfect match (the puzzled expression at the face). Makalele 恋 was a Valentine's Day edition. This pink is very special and eyes catching. It lets people to feel "How sweet it is to be loved by you".
#4: CHUNK 'MOONCAKE' Edition from JimDream x Unbox Industries
When you mention the Mid-Autumn Festival, what things will pop-up into your mind? Moon? Mooncake? Jim used the both elements for this edition. Normally, Chunk is holding a beer but this edition. Chunk holds a mooncake this time (Sorry, I did not take the picture). The shape of the mooncake is the face of Chunk. Also, adopt a spaceman concept to bring Chunk to the moon is quite special. Love this work.
#3: TINBO from Tinbot/ Devilrobots
This magnetic action figure transforms To-Fu to a robot. You can put other toys in their bodies. You can put their legs nearly by their heads. You can swap their bodies. Just like a puzzle. You can "create" your own TINBO anytime.
#2: Shoko Nakazawa Meets Devilrobots in the "AMPHIBIANS"
This is a one-off set from the show of the Milkboy Meets Shoko Nakazawa the "AMPHIBIANS". Byron wears the uniform of the To-Fu Mom. It looks like a character in Naruto. And it uses a golden First To-Fu head as a stand. Creative :) ... So I choose this set as my favourite in 2018.
#1: Crayon Shin-chan - pajamas (soft toy) from 臼井儀人/双葉社
Normally, I do not buy or collect soft toy, except this one. I got the same pajamas which bought from a special girl. She loves Crayon Shin-chan so much and I love that girl so much. That's why I put this as #1 of 2018.