Summer Soul 2019 & Toy-Maker Lab (July 28)
Before the year-end annual "collectible toys"-focused "Toy Soul" event in Hong Kong (Dec 13-15), there is the mid-year event known as "Summer Soul 2019" (I think of it as a "twice a year WonderFest", myself :p), scheduled for a one-day only event on Sunday July 28th (11am to 7pm) at Rotunda 2, 3/F, Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition Centre,1 Trademart Dr, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong.
Head on over to their Facebook @toysoulhk and Instagram @toysoulhk for updated features on individual artists and offerings (some of which are featured here), and as well event info such as entry gifts, ticket sales and highlights of the show.
The first ever 「 TOY-MAKER LAB 」 has also been announced to take place during Summer Soul, whereby a team of over 30 individual Toy brands+artists all over the world have been gathered, with the theme, "How toy maker did an experiment in a laboratory"? Organized by @leeeeeetoy, "lab members" include:
Awesome Toy (HK) @awesome_toy
Aliens Park (HK) @jeffery_ap
Addicted To Happiness (HK) @ath_hk
Beautiful Land (HK) @beautiful_land2019
Don’t Cry In The Morning (HK) @dontcryinthemorning
Deep Fried Garlic (HK) @deepfriedgarlic
Duck Head (KR) @duckhead
ETH (CN) @eth_te
Graphic Airlines (HK) @graphicairlines
Hexactus (HK) @hexactuss
Hide Toy (HK) @yeungtszkin327
Horn Stories (TW) @horn0305
INTERCCEPT (HK) @interccept
Kimmongni (KR) @o_kimmongni
Leeeeee Toy (HK) @Leeeeeetoy
Lemon Papa (CN) @nastyplt
Lion Chen å¹»è±¡åŠ‡å ´ (CN) @lionchen_miu
Lofi-Collective (KR) @lofi_collective
Mechnoiz Toy (HK) @mechnoiz_toys
Miloza Ma (HK) @milozama
Milk Company Toys (TW) @milkcotoy
Octoplus Gallery (HK)
ODOM Studio (TW) @odom_tseng
Overloaddance (HK) @johnnyoverloaddance
Rato Kim (KR) @ratokim
Remjie Malham (NW) @remjie_malham
Robin Tang (TW) @robintangantics
Sars108 (CN) @sars108
Sean Studio (MS) @sean_studio88
Seulgie (KR) @_seulgie_
Singularity Plan奇點計劃 (CN) @singularityplan
Stay With Tuesday (CN) @zhouer1212
Toyboom (KR) @toyboom_official
Unicorn Mani (TW) @unicorn_mani
Wamatoys (CN) @wamaaaaa
2oz (KR) @__2oz__
and more (?).
And in case you might be wondering, this is NOT the collective @creativetoylab for the annual "Taipei Toy Festival".