ANUBIS from Meow On for Jan 27-Pre-order
"Anubis: The Guider of Souls" is a being which seeks the 5 sacred souls to release the God of Death. In return, to be able to met with lover once more in the realm of the living.
ANUBIS is also the name of this Art Toy from Thailand-based creator unwon as Meow On, since scheduled to open for reservations starting January 27 (at 8pm Thailand time). Head to his Facebook or Instagram, I assume...!
Designed and created by Chanapiwat Saksri, this 19cm tall pre-painted resin cast & tailored fabric (synthetic leather) is in a run of only 20pcs! His hand-held wand/staff is apparently also rigged with illumination function (bro, we need a video to showcase that!). Stay tuned for further product (including price) and availability details...!