Ken Tay's TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020

In today's TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020-feature, I'd like to welcome KEN TAY - whom I reconnected with in 2020, when I knew him blogging about toys before over a decade ago, now a toy designer known as "Anonymous Ridicule", co-creator of ODBOYZ (with ODOM Studio) and the upcoming ARboyZ and "THE KING"! Let's find out what he now collects, shall we?

TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020 (#10): HELLBOT by @soft_steel_toys
KEN TAY: Started collecting this hellbot series which later influence my ideas for my new toy design.

TOYSREVIL: Can you share with us, who you are and what you do?
KEN TAY: Creative Director by DAY and toy collector by NIGHT.
I love to diary my activities and hobbies on Instagram. an avid fan of Mazinger Z, I also design, produce and work together with artists and friends around the world promoting the love for mecha robots.

TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020 (#9): 1/60th scale #Bandai Mazinger Z (Infinity Ver.)
KEN TAY: This kit is based on a concept design by Takayuki Yanase and measure 42.3cm tall upon completion. The Hover Pilder is removable with articulated fold up wings. Accessories includes the Iron Cutter, Drill Missile, Rocket Punch and an LED unit for eyes light up! (batteries sold separately).

KEN TAY: Was bored during Singapore 1st circuit breaker in March 2020 and started to revisit model making. This was my 1st model kit after 20 odd years and it rekindle fond memories of my younger days

TOYSREVIL: How long have you been buying (collectible) toys? What type/genre of toys do you prefer to collect?
KEN TAY: 30+ years I remember my 1st toy collection was Mcfarlane's Toys - SPAWN series. Amazed at how detail a small scale toy can be, thus started my collecting path.

No particular type/genre, mostly influenced by my memories or characters Loved from my younger self.

After many years of collecting 12inch and plastic figures, I started to focus on die-cast robots in 1997 as it seems to be more durable in our climate and this lead to my fanatic loved for chogokin and Mazinger Z series from Bandai.

In the year 2010, I discovered designer’s sofubi (soft vinyl) love for Mazinger Z and the path goes on till date.

TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020 (#8): OD-BOYZ - Original
KEN TAY: Launched on 1st May 2020 and definitely one of my favourite collection and creation. All 20pcs were sold out within 1 hour. The responses from collectors encouraged me to design and make some variations in 2020.

TOYSREVIL: Where do you normally purchase your toys? Online? Offline from Stores? Events? Which do you prefer? And why
KEN TAY: Both online and offline, as long I can add it to my toys collection with considerations to its original retail price as 2nd hand toy market can be quite pricey.

TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020 (#7): Hellbot eclipse by @soft_steel_toys
KEN TAY: The chase continues, managed to cop this in April 2020.

TOYSREVIL: Do you have “toy-grails”? And did you manage to score a “toy-grail” this year (2020)?
KEN TAY: All my collections are grail to me. If it isn’t I think I will sell or already sold it to their new owners.

TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020 (#6)
KEN TAY: In support of 2020 1st Thailand Toy Expo Online Edition (28 - 31 May), 6 pieces of ODBOYZ in black & gold were produced for TTE fans! Sorry I loved my design shamelessly :P

TOYSREVIL: Any particular focus or toy-aims this year (2020)? Starting any new line in 2021?
KEN TAY: Mazinger Z forever. No new line but won’t just anyhow buy. I look at if the design suit my aesthetics as well.

TOYSREVIL: Has your collecting preference changed during this year? If so what are they? And why the change?
KEN TAY: No changes/I still believed in buying what I like.

TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020 (#5): Medicom Toy Mazinger Z Bearbrick
KEN TAY: Big fan of anything Mazinger therefore this is not to be missed!

TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020 (#4): TRON Hellbot by @soft_steel_toys
KEN TAY: My 3rd chase of my favourite design.

TOYSREVIL: "Toy Buying these days is a solitary affair" = Do you agree with this? How do you feel about this?
KEN TAY: Yes. Everyone/ every environment is different. It’s not possible to find someone with the exact preferences. I’ve known toy collectors who have sway from their toy passion and move on to collect different items as they progress in various phases of life. I firmly believed in my toy passion and focus on my path.

TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020 (#3): 60cm Medicom Toys X JAC X Mazinger Z (Jumbo Sofubi)
KEN TAY: Preordered this in October 2019 and after several mishap and poor logistic by a famous local retailers only managed to received it during August 2020. Definitely my favorite top 3 collections in 2020.


TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020 (#2): Nya Nya Nya Nya~s! Gonagai series by hanakoganeimasayuki
KEN TAY: Who says big is better?
The design and the combined elements of this series really hit my heart.
This is my favourite bring-out toy to shoot on a daily basis.

KEN TAY: My top toy in 2020! Why? There’s only 1 pcs done by me in this universe. Super Rare~!!! :P

TOYSREVIL: Where can people go to see your collection?
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