GHOSTBUSTERS X GRAPEBRAIN X Unbox Industries (for Feb26 Release)
UPDATED: New images and product info for these licensed-"GHOSTBUSTERS" releases starting with the "STAY PUFT HELL'S CAT SPECIAL EDITION", with the (approx) sized 7.5" tall painted vinyl priced at US$125.
Sporting a visually rich lighter hue (than initial images) is the "SLIMER AXOLOTL SPECIAL EDITION", with this (approx) sized 6.5" tall painted vinyl also priced at US$125 each. Both figures'll come polybagged with printed header card.
Following ZiQi's StayPuff Dino release, the next GHOSTBUSTERS-themed haunting has been revealed to be from Japanese creator GRAPE BRAIN, with Hell's Cat Onigiri (as "Stay Puff" - loving the marshmallow-fingers lol) & Macaroni (as "Slimer" in ectoplasmic-tinted clear green!) since scheduled for a Feb 26th online drop by the Unbox Industries eShop!
Further product details forthcoming, and I'll update this post as we move towards the weekend drop...! "Who You Gonna Call?"
FYI: Both figures were last seen in 2021 unpainted (refer reposted IG-image below).