THE DREAMER from Wojtek Nowak

TOYNEWS SUBMISSION: Wojtek Nowak shares with us toy word of his second art toy release (THE PHOTOGRAPHER was the first), with THE DREAMER available online via, with this sized 15x15x15cm resin sculpt in an edition of 50 handmade signed&numbered sets, each priced at 460€.

A wonderful physical manifestation of a glorious illustration come to toy-life, as far as I am concerned! And I could wuite literally feel the lo-fi vibes swimming thru the echos = LOVE IT!

BACKSTORY: This piece is a warm invitation to enjoy the soothing power of music, an ode to relaxation and sweet idleness. All you have to do is settle into a cozy armchair with your favorite chill tracks in the ears and begin your dreamland's exploration.. (Stay connected:

I don't remember experiencing the joy of listening to music until I'd fallen sleep, although I suspect it to be one of the joys in life I'd wish I could enjoy and experience.

Asleep while the television is on, and even in front of the laptop: YES. But with earphones on while music lullabies me? Nothing on recent memories, alas...

Perhaps one of reason(s) why 80's music strongly resonates with me, was the ability to perhaps fall asleep - as my self-recorded mixtape serenaded me to slumber - back in the days where there were less responsibilities to the taken care of, of less distractions to what we/I could indulge in, besides schoolwork of course... but then again I was not what you would call a "studying genius" by any measure, anyways :p

Blogging about THE DREAMER reminded me of what I missed, or perhaps even longed for, unrequited as far as my addled middle-aged memory is now, having to decide if I'd rather fall sleep to lo-fi tunes (nondescript bands), D&B (I could never say no to Thievery Corporation), or even Citypop?

But after a few hours pondering over a playlist today, one particular album and artist linger in the echos of my mind's ears, as I sat in a air-conditioned public bus enroute home, with the rain attacking the bus windows: the late George Michael, and tracks from his 1996 album "Older".

And while I had featured this on my TUNES-TALK-blog, allow me the indulgence to post some here as well, cheers.

Not on his OLDER album, but still a gem perfect for this:

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