MINISHI Studio @ Culture Cartel 2025
One of the first booths I'd discover at Culture Cartel turned out to be my most enriching experience, with Minishi Studio! Showcasing the 3D-sculpting specialist's own character creations, and introducing "MINI:BOY"!

The Lab-created Mini:Boy dreams of being Vadar Boy when he wields a lightsaber-stick (up for preorders) and imagines wearing hype sneakers on his barefoot! I had grilled his creator @n.shimin about the child's origins (perpetually "8 years old") and the reason for his bangles (a remnant of his 'birth' on the template) was indeed poignant connection to his creation, and a fun "fashion" aspect, methinks!

Also showcased and on preorder are a variety of his other characters, including "MINI:GD" (Immediately BigBang's "G-Dragon" popped into mind, but I've not asked Shim about that LOL), as well the prototype for @helloasia's pouty duck-lipped Merlion mascot!
Do seek availability, and as well updates for more of his art+design via And do check in to to see how you can work with him, cheers.

Folks might be (slightly) more familiar with his work for other toy designers/brands, including sculpting for MECHASOULS.MS-1 for Clogtwo X Flabslab, PSYCHO CHIMP, ANTI-VIRUS and MECHASOUL: HUNTER for adFunture, JELILO prototypes for Lester Lim (on display at his "COMING FULL CIRCLE" show at BLAXK), and JIANGSHI MICKEY for Daniel Yu X Action City!

And any likeness between Mini:Boy and his creator, is "purely coincidental" ... *cough*