Doodle Me (Lost Self-Promotional Attempts of #toysrevilart Now Found)
The memory of this "self-promotional flyer" remained vivid, but remained frustratingly "lost" for me, for decades... until yesterday...
While trying to access the "year" with which this flyer was made, I'd deduced that it was at least "1990" - based off the doodle at the back of the flyer, which no doubt was done in homage to my "Hawk" Company in basic military training (BMT)!
All the while I had assumed that I did this flyer post-secondary school, but recognised now that I had still kept my dream "alive" (*to become a comic-book illustrator) even after graduating with a "Diploma In Interior Design" in 1989!

But I guess, somehow after 2 & 1/2 years National Service, no small an impact of a finished but un published comic-digest, a then short stint at a local Interior Design firm, and subsequently at local television broadcaster as a "Set Designer", and involved in my first feature film as an "Art Director" in 1998, I'd let that dream fade into the deep shadows of my life.
Although I still doodled casually here and there, and even for work in the media industry, but not with the same fervor until surviving my Stroke in end-2010 ... and by then, it seemed 2 decades have passed by, and even now 35 years later, I find the effort of my passion again? Even though it remained undistributed since (no one else to blame but my own severe lack of self-confidence), but now shared with everyone here, on top of my varied casual attempts as "toysrevilart", cheers.
And it's not as if I totally "cut off" my passion tho...
The "sketchbook" seen above does not count! It was supposed to be presented to folks, who have first seen and shown "interest(s)" at my flyer...! LOL
One break in the chain and my path was lost...!